3 Ways for Single Mom's to Stay Encouraged
Isaiah 61:3
1. Don't Give Up
Scripture says be not weary in well doing for in do season you will reap if you faint not. This is hard if all you see is destruction all around you and heart ache. But you have to stay encouraged. You have to let the Devil know who is boss! When your kids are stressing you out after a long day at work. If your bills are piling up and you don't know how your going to pay them...If your purpose for living seems a long distance away...please be encouraged my sister. God sees your every need and he cares. In times when I'm feeling down and want to give up..I like to make it a habit not to stay down too long, as this can be very hard for your children to see and for your health as a whole. Its not your fault that sometimes life throws a curve ball at you...you keep on smiling and know that everything is going to be alright! Your mind should be on the important things in life like maybe going back to school and getting your degree or another degree; taking up a hobby like floral arrangements (that's what I love to do (Michael's is my friend); Volunteering at your child's school; or even blogging about your day or feelings about a particular subject.
Beauty for Ashes